Inspiration + Reflections

Words and Voices from the Community


In June 2016, I attended an event at Verity that was called: Breaking the Silence: My Story, the Story of Many. I read about the event and was not sure what to expect but I was a new member of this women’s club and I thought it would be an opportunity to meet some new friends and to learn something new. Little did I know that I was getting myself into!

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I believe that grace is innate…something that we all have the ability to practise naturally, organically, and compassionately. Grace is a way of handling a situation, good, bad or ugly. It brings with it a softness, an understanding, sincerity…even a safety net at times.

Grace sets the tone for a warm, often intimate, discussion. Grace is our friend and should always be welcomed into the room.

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I am so excited for you all to hear from this truly remarkable woman. Delane’s story is one of great power, resiliency, and heroism. Please listen in as Delane tells us how she has turned her own traumatic past into something inspirational that has allowed so many others to embrace their own journey towards healing. Delane’s empowering story reminds us all of the goodness that flows from our lives when we choose to end the role of victim and instead choose to focus on what we ourselves can control. I am so excited for you all to hear from this truly remarkable woman. Delane’s story is one of great power, resiliency, and heroism. Please listen in as Delane tells us how she has turned her own traumatic past into something inspirational that has allowed so many others to embrace their own journey towards healing. Delane’s empowering story reminds us all of the goodness that flows from our lives when we choose to end the role of victim and instead choose to focus on what we ourselves can control.

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